TCT 48: In Review

Happy Easter! For our Spring 2024 edition, we bring you:

  • TCT Talk with Ankhangel, Dalken Starbyne, Esto Centura, Maurus, and Sh’aeri, covering Riven news & hype as well as a TCT year-in-review
  • Chapter II of Deep Dive with Esto Centura, exploring the Preafter era
  • Sh’aeri’s That’s Just Me Of Course, reflecting on 20 years in D’ni
  • Musical Piece: “Rowena Forest” by Sasha Strange
  • A Riven Sound Effect Mystery?

Additional show notes:

  • Note that our TCT Talk was recorded prior to the subtitle “New Discoveries of the Lost D’ni Empire” being removed from the promotional material for the Riven remake – this appears to no longer be part of the title.
  • Our deepest apologies to the Video Game History Foundation for butchering the name of your organization multiple times – You guys are doing very important work helping to preserve art in a medium that often makes preservation very difficult!

Background music featured in this episode courtesy LCC, Robyn Miller & Tim Larkin.

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TCT 47: Myst 30th Anniversary Special (ft. Rand & Robyn Miller)

30 years of Myst – and 20 years of Uru! The Cavern Today is proud to present a very special celebratory episode for our Autumn 2023 edition, featuring:

  • Cavern News with Alhon
  • Ankhangel Op-Ed
  • Skit
  • TCT Talk with Alhon, Ankhangel, Dalken, Esto, Maurus & Sh’aeri, featuring our interview with very special guests Rand & Robyn Miller
  • Musical Piece: “Sara’Aou (Shores Of Naybree)” by Maurus
  • The premiere of Deep Dive with Esto Centura
  • Mysterium Retrospective with Dalken Starbyne
  • TCT Mad Lib

Background music featured in this episode courtesy LCC, Tim Larkin, Robyn Miller and Jack Wall.

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TCT 44: Make a Home (ft. Tweek)

‘Tis the season to be jolly! For our Holiday 2022 edition, we’re closing out the year with:

  • Cavern News with Dalken Starbyne
  • Skit
  • TCT Talk with Bert, Esto, J’nathus, Maurus, Narym & Sh’aeri:
    • Riven remake announcement
    • Myst merch we’d love to see
    • Highgarden release
    • The Cavern during the holiday season
    • How has Myst & Uru influenced the way you play other games?
    • What other worlds have you been exploring, and what is your GOTY?
  • Cavern PSAs with Mowog
  • Interview with Keith “Tweek” Lord
  • Musical Piece: “Ages of Tweek Suite” by Sasha Strange

Background music featured in this episode courtesy LCC, Arclife, Robyn Miller, and Barentity.

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TCT 43: Restoration (ft. Patrick Dulebohn)

The Cavern Today is back with its first podcast in nearly a decade! For our Summer 2022 edition, we are pleased to bring you:

  • Cavern News with Alhon and Narym
  • Skit
  • TCT Talk with Bert, Dalken, J’nathus and Maurus:
    • Our interview with Patrick “Doobes” Dulebohn
    • What has surprised us the most about the state of Uru in 2022?
    • Myst VR
    • Speculation about the future of Myst and Uru
  • Mowog’s Thought for the Pod
  • A tribute to Jeff Wise, and a reprise of his musical piece “Kerath’s Arch”
  • Sh’aeri’s “That’s Just Me of Course”

This podcast is dedicated to TCT staffer Jeff Wise and Frank “Stungthumbz” Whiting, who both passed away in 2020 – though you have linked to the perfect age, you’ll always be in our hearts.

Starting with this episode, we have adjusted episode numbering to more accurately reflect the number of prior episodes of The Cavern Today. As this is the 43rd mainline release of “The Cavern Today,” this is now considered episode 43.

Background music featured in this podcast by LCC and Tim Larkin.

Additional Links:
Guild of Messengers Event Calendar
Ages of Doobes
Guild of Writers
H’uru/OpenUru Github (to report bugs and file requests)
Korman tutorials
OpenUru (Foundry and link to discord)

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[TCT 42] The Cavern Today Ep. X: Myst 20th Anniversary Special

To Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Myst, The Cavern Today is proud to present this special podcast, featuring:

  • Cavern News with Dalken Starbyne
  • D’Lanor – “Stream of Unconsciousness”
  • Special Retrospective TCT Talk
  • Jeff Wise – “Gardens of Bandam”
  • Return of the TCT Mad Lib

This will be TCT’s final podcast for the time being – We will continue maintaining the website and its archives, but the production team will be taking an indefinite hiatus to focus on other projects. Thank you for your support over the years, and shorah!

Background music featured in this podcast by Jack Wall, LCC, and Robyn Miller.

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[TCT 41] The Cavern Today Ep. Nine: Open Source

Our first podcast in over a year features:

  • Skit
  • TCT Talk:
    • URU is Open Source
    • Engine
    • Fan Run MO:ULa based server list
    • “State of the URU” – our thoughts on Uru and the impact it’s had on us and on our greater gaming experiences / lives.
    • Myst and Riven on iPad
    • Playing Uru on your tablet via Splashtop2
    • The Smithsonian American Art Museum’s The Art of Video Games added Myst last year
  • Musical Piece: Jeff Wise, “The Way Things Are”
  • Mowog Thought

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[TCT 40] The Cavern Today Ep. Eight: Rewarding the Player

  • TCT Talk:
    • MOULagain- one year later.
    • The hacker hoods and the related story
    • iRiven was recently released for iPhone.
    • Myst in the Smithsonian Institution’s American Art Museum’s “The Art of Video Games” exhibit.
    • All about Revelation: What worked, what didn’t . . .
  • “Kuusisto” – Musical piece by Maurus
  • Mowog Thought

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[TCT 37] The Cavern Today Episode Five

Our TCT Talk-centric fifth podcast discusses the following topics:

  • “Bought The Cyan Complete Pack on Steam” Bevin.
  • Sholek’s Temple Link
  • Starry Expanse Project
  • Cyan’s Stoneship announced Link
  • iRiven site launched Link
  • iMyst and iRiven on Android? Cyan says maybe Link
  • The Manhole for iOS
  • Medal of Honor Link
  • Duke Nukem Forever actually being prepared to be released? Link
  • Video Games Live CD / DVD / Blu-ray October 19th Link

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[TCT 36] The Cavern Today Episode Four

Our podcast for August 2010 features:

  • TCT Talk Over the Fence:
    • 3D in TVs and Games
    • E3 Post Impressions
    • iPhone 4 & iOS 4 Release Impressions
    • Blizzard’s “Real ID”
    • Starcraft II
  • Musical Piece: Tansunn – “Thanks for Dinner”
  • Quick Mowog Thought on Steam & Conclusion

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[TCT 33] The Cavern Today Ep. One: Something Old, Something New

In this relaunch of The Cavern Today podcast network, we bring you Episode 1: “Something old, Something New.”


  • TCT Talk returns
  • Lullaby of the Seven Winds – Jeff Wise
  • That’s Just Me Of Course
  • Mowog Thought

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